Sonya McNeish

I started working for the YWCCSSC in the fall of 2017. I attended the University of Montana in Missoula, Montana where I earned my Master of Arts degree in School Psychology and my Education Specialist degree in School Psychology. I am a native Montanan and have spent my entire career in Montana public schools. I began my career in Bozeman, and subsequently worked in Billings and in Glasgow. I have worked in some of the smallest schools in Montana, as well as some of the largest, and with students from preschool age through high school. In my spare time I enjoy working out, baking, hanging out with my kids, and home-improvement projects. Working with students is my favorite part of my job. I also enjoy collaborating with teachers and parents to identify barriers to students' academic and social/emotional growth and to identify strategies to facilitate learning. I can be reached at